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试题类型:WORD文档 试题时间:2007年1月
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1. I wanted some more coffee but there was ___________ left.
A. no B. nothing
C. none D. neither
2. He died still ___________.
A. in the forties B. in the forty
C. in forty years D. in fortieth
3. These apples look ___________.
A. nicely B. nice
C. well D. sweetly
4. As long as you ___________ the money promptly, I’ll lend it to you with pleasure.
A. return B. will return
C. have returned D. returned
5. Weather ___________, we’ll go sightseeing.
A. permitted B. is permitted
C. permitting D. is permitting
6. “Must I come at four o’clock?” “Oh no, you ___________ come at four.”
A. can’t B. may not
C. needn’t D. mustn’t
7. It is important that one of the brakes on your bicycle ___________ properly.
A. will work B. has worked
C. works D. work
8. She never tells a lie, ___________?
A. does she B. doesn’t she
C. did she D. didn’t she
9. This is the hour ___________ the place is always full of women and children.
A. that B. when
C. where D. how
10. Many a ship ___________ on those rocks.
A. has wrecked B. were wrecked
C. has been wrecked D. had been wrecked
11. She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely ___________ her.
A. translated B. transformed
C. transferred D. transported
12. He seems very much ___________ to the proposal to build a hall.
A. opposed B. competed
C. contrasted D. resisted
13. What he has done fully ___________ our views that he would win the reward.
A. justified B. simplified
C. declared D. adjusted
14. Critics ___________ the writer with a lack of originality.
A. criticized B. charged
C. condemned D. scolded
15. Do you have any idea how to ___________ the sales of this product?
A. advance B. promote
C. raise D. urge
16. The plane is ___________ to take off at 4.
A. enlisted B. enrolled
C. prompted D. scheduled
17. A line of forts was built along the border to ___________ the country against attack.
A. protect B. cover
C. ensure D. harbor
18. When he moved to Canada, the children ___________ to the change very well.
A. adapted B. adopted
C. varied D. modified
19. The idea never ___________ to me.
A. happened B. passed
C. tortured D. occurred
20. The prisoner was ___________ to death.
A. doomed B. thought
C. regarded D. proposed
As the plane circled over the airport, everyone felt that something was 21 . The plane was moving unsteadily in the air. At that moment, the air-hostess 22 . She looked very pale, but was quite calm. Speaking quickly but 23 in a whisper, she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if 24 of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. 25 a moment’s hesitation, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cabin.
Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the instruction that 26 by radio from the airport below. The plane was now dangerously 27 the ground, but to everyone’s joy, it soon began to climb. The man had to 28 the airport several times in order to become familiar with the controls. But the danger had not yet passed. The terrible moment came when he had to land. 29 instructions, the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It shook violently as it touched the ground and then moved rapidly across the field, but after a long run it stopped 30 . Outside a crowd of people who had been watching anxiously rushed forward to congratulate the “pilot” on a perfect landing.
21. A. happened B. mattered C. taken place D. wrong
22. A. showed B. left C. shouted D. appeared
23. A. hardly B. nearly C. most D. almost
24. A. one B. some C. anyone D. whoever
25. A. For B. After C. In D. At
26. A. are sent B. were sent C. were being sent D. were sending
27. A. close B. close to C. close by D. close this
28. A. fly B. run C. circle D. inspect
29. A. Following B. To follow C. Follow D. Having followed
30. A. safetyly B. safe C. safely D. safety
三、 阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)
Passage 1
Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become “computer-literate”. But not all experts agree that this is a good idea.
One pioneer, in particular, who disagrees is David Tebbutt, the founder of Computertown UK. Although many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computer, David does not see it that way. He says that Computertown UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to people and make them “people-literate”.
David Tebbutt thinks Computertowns are most successful when tied to a computer club but he insists there is an important difference between the two. The clubs are for people who have some computer knowledge already. This frightens away non-experts, who are happier going to Computertowns where there are computers for them to experiment on, with experts to encourage them and answer any questions they have. They are not told what to do. The computer experts have to learn not to tell people about computers, but have to be able to answer all questions people ask. People don’t have to learn computer terms, but the experts have to explain in plain language. The computers are becoming “people-literate”.
31.David Tebbutt’s idea on the relationship between people and computer is that ___________.
A.there should be more computer clubs for experts
B.people should work harder to master computer use
C.computer learning should be made easier
D.computers should be made cheaper so that people can afford them
32.What does “computer-literate” mean in this passage?
A.It means being able to afford a computer.
B.It means being able to write computer programs.
C.It means working with the computer and finding out its value.
D.It means understanding the computer and knowing how to use it.
33.David Tebbutt started Computertown UK with the purpose of ___________.
A.making better use of computer experts
B.improving computer programs
C.increasing computer sales
D.popularizing computers
Passage 2
Shopping-bag ladies don’t beg publicly, but they do not refuse what is offered. Once a shoppingbag lady appears where you live, it is as hard to pass her by without giving her some money as it is to pay no attention to the collection box in church. And although you may not like it, if she chooses your doorway as her place to sleep in the night, it is as morally hard to turn her away as it is to do with a lost dog.
Most shopping-bag ladies seem to be between the ages of 40 and 65. They wear layers of clothes even in summer time, with newspaper filled between the layers as something against bad weather.
No one knows how many shopping-bag ladies there are in New York. The number is going up. Some persons and researchers spend a great deal of time taking care of or observing shopping-bag ladies and doing what they can to better the life of lady hermits (隐士) who’re down.
34. Who are shopping-bag ladies?
A. They are lady beggars.
B. They are ladies who sell shopping-bags.
C. They are ladies who make shopping-bags.
D. They are ladies who go hungry.
35. They fill newspapers between the layers of their clothes because ___________.
A. they are so poor
B. they have no place to put them
C. they want to hide them
D. they have to use them to keep the cold out
36. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. There are more and more shopping-bag ladies in the United States.
B. Shopping-bag ladies appear only in New York.
C. Some people are helping shopping-bag ladies.
D. Some people are engaged in their research on these shopping-bag ladies.
Passage 3
Art, said Picasso, is a lie that makes us realize the truth. So is a map. We do not usually associate the precise work of the map worker with a fanciful object of art. Yet a map has many qualities that a painting or a poem has. It is truth realized in a symbolic way, holding meanings it does not express on the surface. And like work of art, it requires imaginative reading.
Thus, map and reality are not, and cannot be, identical. No aspect of map use is so obvious yet so often overlooked. Most map reading mistakes occur because the user forgets this vital fact and expects a one-to-one correspondence between map and reality. A map, like a painting, is just one special version of reality. To understand a painting, you must have some idea of the medium which was used by the artist.
You wouldn’t expect a water color to look anything like an oil painting or a charcoal (木炭)drawing, even if the subject matter of all three were identical. In the same way, the techniques used to create maps will greatly influence the final representation. As a map reader, you should always be aware of the invisible hand of the map maker. Never use a map without asking yourself how it has been biased by the methods used to make it.
If the entire map making process operates at its full potential, communication takes place between the map maker and the user. The map maker translates reality into the clearest possible picture under the circumstances, and the map reader converts this picture back into an impression of the environment. For such communication to take place, the map reader as the map maker must know something about how maps are created.
37. Map resembles art because ___________.
A. they are both absolute lies
B. they are both precise as well as fanciful
C. they must be read with imagination
D. they both express meanings in a superficial way
38. Why do most map reading mistakes occur?
A. Because the map is not made according to reality.
B. Because there are obvious differences between the map and reality.
C. Because the user forgets the one-to-one correspondence between the map and reality.
D. Because the user overlooks the gap between the map and reality.
39. “... the invisible hand of the map maker” (in Paragraph 3) refers to ___________.
A. the techniques used to create maps
B. the subject matter of the map
C. the symbols used in the map
D. the final representation of the map
40. The last paragraph describes mainly ___________.
A. how maps are created
B. what the communication between the map maker and the reader is
C. how the map maker translates reality into a picture
D. how the reader converts the picture back into reality
41. 投资 n. in ____ ____ ____ ____ment
42. 自动的 adj. au ____ ____ ____ ____tic
43. 规模;程度;范围 n. s ____ ____le
44. 有经验的 adj. expe____ ____ ____ ____ced
45. 不利条件 n. dis ____ ____ ____ ____ ____tage
46. 卷宗 n. 归档 v. f ____ ____e
47. 采访,访问,面试 n. & v. inter____ ____ ____ ____
48. 限制;约束 v. restr____ ____ ____
49. 可用的,可获得的 adj. av____ ____l____ble
50. 总部,司令部 n. headqu ____ ____ t ____ ____s
51. 登记,注册 v. & n. re ____ ____ ____ter
52. 技术员;工艺师 n. techni ____ ____ ____ ____
53. 流行;货币 n. c _____ rr ____ ____ ____y
54. 分类;归类 v. cla ____ ____ ____fy
55. 估计 v. & n. esti ____ ____ ____ ____
五、单词英译汉 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
56. consumer protection law
57. joint venture
58. liability risk
59. online retailer
60. shopping cart
61. place an order
62. smart cards
63. network economy
64. maximum value
65. telecommunication
66. client
67. one-time start-up fee
68. market share
69. net loss
70. DigiCash
六、英译汉 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
Communication can be the most critical aspect of whether a change strategy will succeed or fail. (71) The degree to which information flows down through the organization can influence how well the change vision is understood and embraced. It can impact the values, behaviors and mindset of the workforce. It can either clarify or muddle a company’s organizational structure and employee roles and it can enhance or detract from the culture the leadership is trying to maintain. (72) Executives who have successfully led change efforts advocate in-person discussions and meetings as the most effective communication vehicles.
The degree to which information is shared across the organization can impact speed and flexibility tremendously. Lateral communication and cooperation is important to building an innovative organization as it supports risk-taking and provides tools to take action. (73) Continuous innovation, a critical element of e-business strategy, is at the mercy of an organization’s communication structure.
(74) In today’s business environment, the challenge associated with communication is not simply one of volume. Instead, it is the need to reach the target audience (both internal and external ) with messages that include strategic, tactical and “WIIFM” elements. It is the need to prioritize the communications for the target audiences (so that the most important will be absorbed first), as well as the need to strike a balance between too little and too much information. (75) In the e-business environment, building a relationship with customers is critical, and this cannot be achieved without hearing their suggestions, needs and desires. To be effective for internal audiences, communication must share what is and what is not changing. Communication builds commitment, and is the key to overcoming resistance to the change.
七、汉译英 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
76. 由于天气原因,航班已经推迟一个小时了。(due to, delay)
77. 供水条件的改善会给健康带来巨大的影响。 (water supply, have an effect on)
78. 应该由你决定是否实施这一计划。(up to, carry out)
79. 我们必须尽最大可能地利用我们已有的资源。(make use of, resources)
80. 在某种程度上,男性更容易找到报酬高的工作。(to ... extent, well-paid jobs)

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自己也曾经是自考生,当初考的是计算机专业的专科,花了我四年半年时间。许多朋友跟我说自考太难了,他们快要坚持不下去了。我自己的经验是,其实自考不难,难的是坚持。 我不相信人天生下来会有谁比谁更聪明的脑袋瓜,只相信谁比谁更努力。努力看书,多做题,多花时间在学习上面,一定能够成功。加油吧!


