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一、根据给出的汉语词义写出对应的英语词。该词的首字母已给出。(每小题0. 5分,共10分)
1. 不合;分歧 n. c______
2. 可用的 adj. a______
3. 估计 v. e______
4. 使散乱;零乱 v. c______
5. 采访;访问 v. i______
6. 限制 v. r______
7. 保护;防护 v. p______
8. 信心 n. c______
9. 复杂 n. c______
10. 尝试;努力 v. a______
11. 总结;概要 n. s______
12. 战略 n. s______
13. 持续的 adj. c______
14. 政权 n. r______
15. 洞察力 n. i______
16. 要素 n. e______
17. 贸易;商业 n. c______
18. 重建;重组 v. r______
19. 倾向 n. t______
20. 哲学,思想体系 n. p______
二、请写出下列英语单词或术语的汉语意义(每小题0. 5分,共10分)
1. maverick purchasing ______
2. overhead ______
3. out of business ______
4. online venture ______
5. online and offline ______
6. off-contract buying ______
7. net loss ______
8. natural language processor ______
9. multi-media ______
10. profit/loss statement ______
11. purchase attempts ______
12. purchase cycle ______
13. prototype ______
14. return on investment ______
15. product description ______
16. information privacy ______
17. information retrieval ______
18. interactive TV ______
19. liability risk ______
20. market segmentation ______
1. She is said to be one of the most ______(distinguish) novelists in 1960s.
2. Signing this form commits you to ______(buy) the goods.
3. So anybody who is going into this from a technology perspective purely ______(doom) to failure.
4. Success in e-business can evaporate even more quickly than it ______(achieve).
5. Technological changes will ______(evitable) lead to unemployment.
6. That rule has no ______ (apply) to this particular case.
7. The brain needs a ______(continue) supply of blood.
8. The heart attack could ______(relate) to his car crash last year.
9. The irrigation project has not been ______(authorize) yet by the committee.
10. The librarian spent a lot of time ______(classify) books.
1. “Where is my notebook?”“______. ”
A. Here is it B. Here it is C. It here is D. It is here
2. Let’s fix a ______ date for the next meeting.
A. infinite B. plain C. distinct D. definite
3. We must make ______ efforts to improve things.
A. heavy B. thick C. massive D. large
4. I made up my mind that under no circumstances ______ to such a principle.
A. couldn’t I agree B. I couldn’t agree
C. I could agree D. could I agree
5. Since 1971 there have been two ______ in this city.
A. woman mayors B. a new means C. women mayor D. women mayors
6. She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely ______ her.
A. translated B. transformed C. transferred D. transported
7. I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is ______.
A. out of question B. out of a question
C. out of questions D. out of the question
8. English ______ all over the world.
A. is teaching B. is taught C. teaches D. teaching
9. That couple has endured ______ and it is amazing that their marriage has lasted.
A. so much crisis B. so much crises
C. so many crises D. so many crisises
10. The children ______ against each other to win yearly scholarship.
A. contest B. fight C. rival D. enhance
11. I won’t be free Friday morning. I ______ a friend off.
A. am seeing B. shall be seeing
C. have seen D. shall have seen
12. ______ some of the suggestions prove of value to you as well.
A. Could B. Can C. Might D. May
13. I was greatly shocked by the way ______ things were done there.
A. how B. that C. as D. which
14. Those who don’t work hard at English ought to ______.
A. criticize B. be criticized
C. have been criticized D. be criticizing
15. Most people know ______ it is likely to have their blood pressure taken.
A. what B. how C. that D. which
16. People just ______ their rubbish over the wall.
A. rolled B. swayed C. shaped D. ordinary
17. We wouldn’t lose courage even if we ______ again.
A. were to fail B. would fail C. fail D. have failed
18. People will not believe a person who always ______.
A. magnifies B. enlarges C. broadens D. exaggerates
19. Ten dollars ______ as much as it used to.
A. don’t buy B. doesn’t buy C. didn’t buy D. couldn’t buy
20. The young madam was ______ to discover that she was being watched.
A. disconcerted B. disappointed C. dishonored D. dissatisfying
Ⅰ. 从所提供的选择项中选择一个最佳选项,并将正确答案的字母填入空格内。(每小题0.5分)
Every four years, athletes from all over the world ___1___ in the Olympics. Each country sends teams of its finest athletes to ___2___ in the games. At every Olympic game, old records for ___3___ and distance are ___4___ as throngs of spectators watch ___5___ amazement.
The Olympics ___6___ in a different country each time they are held. Years ___7___ the start of a new Olympics, the host country starts getting ___8___ for the games. A great deal of planning and money goes ___9___ building an Olympic Village, a city with buildings to ___10___ the teams. Stadiums, tracks, pools gyms, rinks, and rings are all carefully ___11___.
The Olympics open ___12___ a bright splash that is ___13___ seen these days. ___14___ the leader of the host country is welcomed into the stadium by the bead of the Olympic ___15___. Then a fantastic march begins. As the ___16___ play, the teams enter the stadium. Each team wears ___17___ Olympic dress and marches behind ___18___ flag. The Greek team ___19___ the march ___20___ the first Olympic games which were held by the Greeks. The team of the host country marches last.
( )1. A. compete B. contend C. fight D. challenge
( )2. A. enter B. contribute C. participate D. engage
( )3. A. height B. speed C. length D. weight
( )4. A. broken B. made C. played D. formed
( )5. A. with B. in C. for D. on
( )6. A. is taken place B. are taken place
C. takes place D. take place
( )7. A. after B. before C. since D. of
( )8. A. set B. fit C. ready D. busy
( )9. A. up to B. for C. into D. forwards
( )10. A. cover B. guard C. house D. shelter
( )11. A. sketched B. designed C. painted D. portrayed
( )12. A. with B. in C. by D. against
( )13. A. hardly B. rarely C. often D. frequently
( )14. A. Before B. Fidgets C. At first D. Rather
( )15. A. conference B. council C. committee D. meeting
( )16. A. athletes B. bands C. dancers D. orchestras
( )17. A. customary B. regular C. official D. formal
( )18. A. the B. a C. its D. itself
( )19. A. leads B. heads C. guides D. conduits
( )20. A. for hour of B. in honor of C. for respect of D. in respect of
Ⅱ. 在下列课文片段后的横线上填入遗漏的词(每小题1分)
Searching by keyword is the most common ___1___ of using a search engine, but the problems with keywords ___2___ the relatively imprecise results and the return of a lot ___3___ irrelevant information. Keywords may have more than one meaning and ___4___ results may be found only by using a synonym of____5___ keyword. The method of browsing on the other ___6___ tales too much to find the relevant information. Directories like Yahoo! ___7___ to circumvent the problem, but the manual process of classifying material on the web ___8___ up too much time, resulting in very few search results, as not ___9___ on the web can be classified. Therefore new paradigms of searching are needed as ___10___ as new software that is able to categorize web sites automatically.
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______
Curley says the most easily justified e-business investments are those that provide business value and improve IT efficiency. One example he cites: peer-to-peer enabled e-learning, or distance learning facilitated by technology. This provides just-in-time instruction that can be more effective and efficient than traditional education—and uses the existing corporate IT infrastructure. “This makes the investment attractive to both the business and the information technology organization,” Curley says.
What makes e-business investments the same as other IT investments? Curley says it’s the need to understand the goals and the investments different? For starters, there is the pace at which investments may need to be made. And with that comes finding the balance between getting your investments to market without undermining reliability or efficiency. The faster you move, the less likely you are to have operational excellence. The key is getting everyone to agree on the right tradeoff.
Experts note healthy trends as a result of the economic downturn. Rather than blindly pouring cash into Internet divisions, for example, executives are recognizing that business is business — whether online or in person. They also recognize that all the returns aren’t obvious at the start.
1. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that peer-to-peer enabled e-learning, or distance learning facilitated by technology,______.
A. is the best investment at present
B. can provide business value and improve IT efficiency.
C. is no better than traditional education
D. is the most effective and efficient way of education
2. According to Curley e-business investments are the same as IT investments in that ______.
A. their goals and intended influence need to be understood
B. they both can improve business efficiency and effectiveness
C. they both can speed up the business transformation
D. they are both profitable
3. E-business investments are different from IT investments in that ______.
A. for e-business investments the slower one moves, the more excellent operations he will get
B. the pace at which e-business investments are made is faster than IT investments
C. e-business investments should not undermine the reliability and efficiency
D. the pace at which e-business investments are made is slower than IT investments
4. For starters, the most important for e-business investments is ______.
A. to have operational excellence
B. to keep the right space
C. to have an agreement on the right tradeoff
D. to improve effectiveness and efficiency
5. Executives are realizing that ______.
A. the economic downturn is a serious problem
B. e-business investments are very profitable
C. e-business shares much characteristics with traditional business
D. they have wasted a lot of money in e-business
There are many different ways to sell your product on the Web, but most techniques tend to fall into one of the following categories:
Gifts and Impulse Products
Sometimes you don’t know what you want until you see it. Merchants who offer gift items are very familiar with this. If you’re offering impulse buys, you may want to design a site that’s easy and entertaining to explore; let them go window shopping. Red Envelope makes its site as fun to explore as it is to shop, creating impulses and ideas that drive sales.
Commodity Products
Everyone knows what a CD or a book looks like. They are pretty low-risk purchases since you don’t have to worry about whether they’re the right color or compatible with your system. What matters is that the seller has them in stock at a good price. Merchants who offer commodity-type products are differentiated by their products’ price, selection, and availability.
Considered Purchase Products
Some products require a lot of deliberation before a purchase is made. Expensive items that come in various models, each with different options and different pricing, require customers to consider a number of factors before they buy. We’re talking about consumer electronics, cars, cellular phone service programs, and something you should be thinking about in the near future: e-commerce software packages. There are now a number of middleman services popping up to help consumers make their buying decisions. Sites such as my Simon offer side-by-side comparisons of different products.
Configurable Products
Sometimes a product is all about the options it comes with. A case in point is computer workstations and servers. The basic components are the same, but you can choose how roomy or fast each of those parts will be. Computer manufacturers like Dell and Apple enable their customers to design their own products, blending one-on-one marketing with customizing mass-market products: Their motto is, “Tell us what you want and we’ll build it for you. ” But these techniques are now showing up in other fields. Take a look at Smith + Noble, where you can design your own window treatments by selecting and combining different attributes and features.
6. For Red Envelope, which of the following statements is not true?______
A. It sells gifts and impulse products.
B. One can go window shopping on its site.
C. Its site is easy and entertaining to explore.
D. Customers don’t know what it sells until they visit its site.
7. The merchants who sell commodity products can compete in ______.
A. price
B. selection
C. availability
D. all of the above
8. My Simon is a site that ______.
A. sells expensive items
B. helps customers make their buying decisions
C. sells e-commerce software packages
D. sells cars and cell phones
9. Computer workstations and servers ______.
A. belong to the category of configurable products
B. are expensive because they come with many options
C. are very difficult to choose
D. are very difficult to build
10. Smith + Noble is doing e-business in the field of ______.
A. customizing mass-market products
B. computers
C. window treatments
D. one-to-one marketing
How well is your Web site meeting demand?(1)The question may be more difficult to answer than you think. After all, sophisticated Web monitoring software can measure a sudden spike in traffic, but it won’t correlate that spike with your company’s seasonal marketing efforts. Business intelligence software unifies data from a wide array of functional areas and departments to provide a holistic understanding of the business. The result:(2)Managers can predict future spikes in traffic based on the relative size of marketing campaigns.
(3)The first thing to do is capture information about your Web site operations and visitors. Start with the data in your Web log file. Here you will find valuable information about Web traffic patterns, such as peal traffic times and the most accessed pages on your Web site. (4)You’ll also be able to learn what people search for once they get to your site, as well as the time it takes to find it. Don’t overlook the value of information such as the type of browser and operating system used by your site visitors.
Once you have this data gathered, business intelligence applications let you analyze the information to help you optimize your Web site. (5)The application unifies data from various sources to help you effectively mine information and understand your customers’ Web behavior.
1. CRM的目标是在企业的销售、市场和客户服务等活动之间建立一种协作,以获得和保护客户群。(create; obtain; retain)
2. 在许多公司里,部门之间的业务是不同的,所以你需要与你的业务相匹配的软件。(line; match)
3. 然而,他解释说,设立两种对立的定价系统在某些时候可能导致不良企图的滋生。(build)
4. 需要12个月来实现的战略也不可能成功。(unlikely)
5. 该计划应对如何达到目标市场做出描述。(describe; reach)

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自己也曾经是自考生,当初考的是计算机专业的专科,花了我四年半年时间。许多朋友跟我说自考太难了,他们快要坚持不下去了。我自己的经验是,其实自考不难,难的是坚持。 我不相信人天生下来会有谁比谁更聪明的脑袋瓜,只相信谁比谁更努力。努力看书,多做题,多花时间在学习上面,一定能够成功。加油吧!


