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试题类型:WORD文档 试题时间:2009年10月
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1. The spacecraft will send back ______ on surface wind and temperatures.
A. many new informations B. a new information
C. some new information D. a few new information
2. My dentist appointment is on Friday, ______.
A. fifth October B. five October
C. the fifth of October D. the five of October
3. They got there ______ we by 20 minutes.
A. more early as B. earlier than
C. as early as D. more earlier than
4. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen ______ delicious.
A. smells B. is smelling
C. has smelled D. has been smelling
5. The radio ______ by my son just now.
A. has been repaired B. is being repaired
C. repaired D. has repaired
6. ______ pure lead, the lead ore is mined, then smelted, and finally refined.
A. Obtaining B. Being obtained C. To obtain D. It is obtained
7. I was ill that day. Otherwise I ______ part in the parade.
A. would take B. would have taken
C. took D. had taken
8. Get me a hammer from the kitchen, ______?
A. will you B. would you C. shall you D. do you
9. The girl ______ work won the prize is the youngest in her class.
A. who B. whose C. that D. for whom

10. ______ and to go skiing are popular winter sports in the northern United States.
A. Ice-skating B. Ice-skate
C. To go ice-skating D. Going ice-skating
11. They have got into ______troubles.
A. monetary B. affluent C. financial D. miserable
12. A cream sauce is the perfect ______ to this dessert.
A. complement B. supplement
C. element D. permanent
13. It is important for university to keep ______ with the changes in science and technology.
A. step B. stage C. pace D. space
14. A ______ component of any democracy is a free labor movement.
A. vital B. visual C. sole D. single
15. I was on the ______ of accepting.
A. border B. tip C. verge D. side
16. He ______ his first book to his mother.
A. committed B. dedicated C. assigned D. appointed
17. Teachers all ______ the student to enter the competition.
A. cheered B. animated C. encouraged D. heartened
18. ______ circumstances compelled him to close his business.
A. Adverse B. Contrary C. Favorable D. Opposite
19. He ______ that we should probably have rain.
A. observed B. beheld C. examined D. followed
20. Let’s fix a ______ date for the next meeting.
A. infinite B. plain C. distinct D. definite
Koalas look like teddy bears, 21 they are not bears at all. They are really animals called marsupials.
These animals carry their young in pouches, like kangaroos 22 .
Koalas live in the forests of Australia. They spend most of their lives in eucalyptus trees. They 23 never come down even for a drink of water. In fact, their names means “no drink.” The koalas have a 24 of knowing which trees they can feed on safely. They eat each leaf the same way. 25 , they bite the leaf off the stem and then they chew it from base to 26 .
When a koala is born, it is less than an inch long. The baby crawls into the mother’s
27 right away and stays there for six months. After that, the baby rides piggyback or hangs on
28 the mother’s front paws and legs. Young koalas stay with their mothers for at least a year.
The koala is a strong climber. Its paws end with sharp claws, 29 he can get a good grip on tree branches. Koalas sleep in the eucalyptus trees on most of the day and eat at night. Koalas may live alone or in small 30 . Males sometimes use their sharp claws as weapons. Most of the time, koala families live together peacefully.
21. A. while B. but C. when D. however
22. A. carry B. do C. doing D. carrying
23. A. nearly B. hardly C. rarely D. scarcely
24. A. means B. manner C. way D. point
25. A. However B. Whatever C. First D. Notwithstanding
26. A. foil B. top C. tip D. end
27. A. breast B. bosom C. pouch D. heart
28. A. along B. between C. off D. by
29. A. and B. as C. so D. because
30. A. amount B. number C. groups D. deal
三、 阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)
Passage 1
The Internet will play a central role in conducting international trade beyond the year 2000. The World Trade Centers Association (WTCA) recently announced a plan to assist developing countries develop a capacity for e-commerce and e-business. The spin off from this decision can pay huge dividends to offshore companies that position themselves on-line right now to supply goods and services to the coming global Internet trading market.
E-business will help you get set up and operate with a minimum of effort and at reasonable prices.
E-business Incorporated works with international companies to set up a web-office, or CyberSuite as its own domain accessible over the Internet via its own domain name or from the e-business Cyberspace Station.
If you are a supplier, your CyberSuite would have a showroom where visitors — especially wholesale importers and distributors — can examine images, drawings or listings of what you have to offer. If you are a buyer, your web-office can include a notice board listing products or services or agreements you are looking for and a bidding gallery where suppliers can post bids and link you to their sites to examine products. Trading partners can make purchases, send invoices, hold business meetings, track shipments, and work out potential trade agreements within the E-business Cyberspace Station. E-business seminars and conferences will introduce new potential trade partners to each other.
Orders placed on the site are sent immediately to manufacturers and any suppliers integrated into the trade process. For example, established trading partners might include an importer ordering large shipments from a manufacturer and suppliers of parts or raw materials in other countries. By electronically notifying the whole trade net at the same time, each partner is able to trim supply and demand to “just in time” delivery of goods or services. The savings of doing business this way can be substantial — even without the tax advantages.
31. E-business Incorporated can help a company to______.
A. set up a web-office free of charge
B. build a Cybersuite as its domain
C. get its own domain name
D. have its web site accessible via its own domain name
32. In a Cybersuite, a supplier can ______.
A. exhibit its products and services
B. find more images and drawings
C. get many lists of products
D. bid for a certain product or service
33. The passage mainly tells about ______.
A. the benefits brought by e-business
B. how to do e-commerce via Internet
C. a project by WTCA
D. how to find trade partners via Internet
Passage 2
Music which is original is individual and personal. That is to say, it can be identified as belonging to a particular composer. It has particular qualities, or a style, which are not copied from another. If you can recognize the style of a composer, you will probably be able to tell that a certain composition belongs to him or her even though you have never heard it before. A composer organizes his melodies (旋律) and rhythms and combines sounds to create harmony. He may be capable of thinking up very good, original tunes, yet if tunes are poorly organized, the final result will not be to standard.
Good music expresses feelings in a way that is suitable to those feelings. There may be joy, sorrow, fear, love, anger, or whatever. Bad music, on the other hand, may confuse unrelated feelings, it may not express any important feeling at all, or it may exaggerate some feelings and make them vulgar, that is, cheap and ugly.
Good music will stand the test of time. It will not go out of fashion but will continue to be enjoyed and respected long after it is first introduced. It will gain a kind of permanent status while bad music will disappear and be forgotten quickly. In pop music, where the general rule seems to be “the newer the better”, the test of time is the hardest test of all to pass.
34. A piece of original music ______.
A. has a personal style
B. sounds very familiar to our ears
C. is one whose style you cannot recognize
D. cannot be recognized as belonging to any composer
35. Good music is ______.
A. well-organized tunes
B. the proper expression of feelings
C. an expression of mixed feelings
D. exaggeration of some feelings
36. The passage is concerned with ______.
A. how to compose music
B. how to enjoy music
C. how to judge music
D. how to perform music
Passage 3
For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies - and other creatures - learn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards”; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective reward, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological (生理的) “drives” as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink of some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise.
It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.
Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to “reward” the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children’s responses in situations where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement “switched on” a display of lights - and indeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result, for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many three turns to one side.
Papousek’s light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the lights closely although they would “smile and bubble” when the display came on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights which pleased them, it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem, in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.
37. According to the author, babies learn to do things which ______.
A. are directly related to pleasure
B. will meet their physical needs
C. will bring them a feeling of success
D. will satisfy their curiosity
38. Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby ______.
A. would make learned responses when it saw the milk
B. would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drink
C. would continue the simple movements without being given milk
D. would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink
39. In Papousek’s experiment babies make learned movements of the head in order to______.
A. have the lights turned on B. be rewarded with milk
C. please their parents D. be praised
40. The babies would “smile and bubble” at the lights because ______.
A. the lights were directly related to some basic “drives”
B. the sight of the lights was interesting
C. they need not turn back to watch the lights
D. they succeeded in “switching on” the lights
41. 保险;保险费 n. i______
42. 证实;确认 v. c______
43. 顾问 n. c______
44. 拥抱,包含 v. e______
45. 不利条件 n. d______
46. 垂直的,直立的adj. v______
47. 可用的,可获得的 adj. a______
48. 恐吓,威胁 v. t______
49. 地方;位置 n. l______
50. 轮廓;纲要n. o______
51. 登记,注册 v. & n. r______
52. 口令,密码 n. p______
53. 自动的 adj. a______
54. 幸存;比…长命 v. s______
55. 卖主,卖方 n. v______
五、单词英译汉 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
56. online marketing
57. dispute resolution
58. DigiCash
59. customer care
60. B2C
61. tangible benefit
62. search engines
63. database
64. shopping cart
65. end user
66. CTO
67. direct billing
68. legal counsel
69. global marketplace
70. information privacy
六、英译汉 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
(71) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides your company with new ways of better understanding and serving your customer. In July 1998, when Intel began taking orders over the Internet, it also premiered a new Web-based system to deliver confidential documents to its B2B direct customers. (72) This service, known as Information Desk, along with other new Web-based information delivery services, has enabled the company and its direct, indirect and channel customers to work together more efficiently. In Intel’s case, there were several reasons for deploying CRM, including:
·With Web-based information delivery, everyone can get important information at the same time no matter where they are located.
·(73) The first release of Intel’s information delivery system slashed document delivery time from as much as two to three weeks to an average of three days. Now, it’s a matter of minutes.
·Extend reach without adding staff. Intel has added services to upwards of 75,000 global resellers.
·(74) As a result of getting confidential documents faster, three-fourths of Intel’s direct customer engineers shaved a week or more off their product development cycle.
When it came to designing the system, Intel used best-of-breed, off-the-shelf applications and modified them to meet the needs of their customers. Indirect customers received an Electronic Design Kit (EDK) to help develop their own products and solutions.
(75) And because CRM is a field in which new applications appear frequently, it was important to develop a flexible software architecture and an agile hardware infrastructure. Intel runs its CRM systems on dual and 4-way Intel-based servers, with back-end databases distributed over 8-way Intel-based servers. This gives the company a powerful, flexible and highly available infrastructure.
七、汉译英 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
76. 那个计划一开始就注定要失败。(be doomed to)
77. 供水条件的改善会给健康带来巨大的影响。 (water supply, have an effect on)
78. 我怎么也意想不到那个时候他会突然出现。(pop up)
79. 一旦有人跟你联系,就要回应。(once)
80. 工业革命改变了整个英国的社会结构。(modify, structure)

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自己也曾经是自考生,当初考的是计算机专业的专科,花了我四年半年时间。许多朋友跟我说自考太难了,他们快要坚持不下去了。我自己的经验是,其实自考不难,难的是坚持。 我不相信人天生下来会有谁比谁更聪明的脑袋瓜,只相信谁比谁更努力。努力看书,多做题,多花时间在学习上面,一定能够成功。加油吧!


