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试题类型:WORD文档 试题时间:2010年1月
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1. The spacecraft will send back _____ on surface wind and temperatures.
A. many new informations B. a new information
C. some new information D. a few new information
2. She played _____ in the orchestra.
A. a violin B. violin
C. violins D. the violin
3. Come as _____ as possible.
A. earlier B. more early
C. early D. earliest
4. He _____ the button before we could stop him.
A. had pressed B. pressed
C. would have pressed D. would press
5. This book must _____ next summer.
A. publish B. have published
C. be published D. have been published
6. John admitted that it’s always difficult _____.
A. for him being on time B. being on time for him
C. for him to be on time D. on time for him
7. It was really very dangerous; you _____ him seriously.
A. might have injured B. could injure
C. should have injured D. must injure
8. If we hadn’t got everything ready by now, we _____ a terrible time tomorrow.
A. would have B. shall have
C. would have had D. should have had
9. The girl _____ work won the prize is the youngest in her class.
A. who B. whose
C. that D. for whom
10. _____ and to go skiing are popular winter sports in the northern United States.
A. Ice-skating B. Ice-skate
C. To go ice-skating D. Going ice-skating
11. She was appointed to _____ the advertising campaign.
A. fight B. guide
C. conduct D. control
12. A cream sauce is the perfect _____ to this dessert.
A. complement B. supplement
C. element D. permanent
13. It is important for university to keep _____ with the changes in science and technology.
A. step B. stage
C. pace D. space
14. Is there any _____ of the word in Chinese?
A. equal B. match
C. rival D. equivalent
15. It has been _____ for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.
A. arranged B. organized
C. settled D. adapted
16. He _____ his first book to his mother.
A. committed B. dedicated
C. assigned D. appointed
17. When he moved to Canada, the children _____ to the change very well.
A. adapted B. adopted
C. varied D. modified
18. Use your _____, and you’re sure to achieve something.
A. capacity B. intelligence
C. heart D. soul
19. He _____ that we should probably have rain.
A. observed B. beheld
C. examined D. followed
20. Let’s fix a _____ date for the next meeting.
A. infinite B. plain
C. distinct D. definite
It is not surprising that people 21 ever associate Britain with wine and in fact it may astonish you to learn that grapes are grown 22 in England and nearly 200,000 bottles of wine were sold in 1975. 23 very new in growing grapes in Britain, in spite of the climate. The Romans planted the first vines about AD 300 and 24 a long time people always drank home-produced wines. What 25 the English wine industry was not so much a change in the climate 26 the fact that an English king, Henry II, inherited the Bordeaux area of France as part of his dominions during the twelfth century and the imported wine provided 27 of competition. The English wine industry did not disappear, however, 28 the sixteenth century, when the monks, who had been the main producers in the meantime, had their estates taken away by Henry VIII. The new owners let the vineyards die out. But now English people, probably 29 their memories of holidays by the Mediterranean, drink more wine than 30 and the new industry is now developing at a modest but consistent rate.
21. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. seldom
22. A. wildly B. outwards C. in the open air D. in the wide
23. A. It is nothing B. It is any thing C. There is any thing D. There is nothing
24. A. during B. from C. since D. for
25. A. rended B. developed C. abated D. destroyed
26. A. lice B. for C. as D. that
27. A. much B. many C. a great deal D. a large number
28. A. as long as B. as far as C. since D. until
29. A. because B. for C. because of D. due
30. A. never B. no one C. all D. ever
三、 阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案填空或答题,错选、多选或未选均无分。
Passage 1
The Internet will play a central role in conducting international trade beyond the year 2000. The World Trade Centers Association (WTCA) recently announced a plan to assist developing countries develop a capacity for e-commerce and e-business. The spin off from the decision can pay huge dividends to offshore companies that position themselves on-line right now to supply goods and services to the coming global Internet trading market.
E-business will help you set up and operate with a minimum of effort and at reasonable prices.
E-business Incorporated works with international companies to set up a web-office, or CyberSuite as its own domain accessible over the Internet via its own domain name or from the e-business Cyberspace Station.
If you are a supplier, your CyberSuite would have a showroom where visitors — especially wholesale importers and distributors — can examine images, drawings or listings of what you have to offer. If you are a buyer, your web-office can include a notice board listing products or services or agreements you are looking for and a bidding gallery where suppliers can post bids and link you to their sites to examine products. Trading partners can make purchases, send invoices, hold business meetings, track shipments, and work out potential trade agreements within the E-business Cyberspace Station. E-business seminars and conferences will introduce new potential trade partners to each other.
Orders placed on the site are sent immediately to manufacturers and any suppliers integrated into the trade process. For example, established trading partners might include an importer ordering large shipments from a manufacturer and suppliers of parts or raw materials in other countries. By electronically notifying the whole trade net at the same time, each partner is able to trim supply and demand to “just in time” delivery of goods or services. The savings of doing business this way can be substantial — even without the tax advantages.
31. E-business Incorporated can help a company to_____.
A. set up a web-office free of charge
B. build a Cybersuite as its domain
C. get its own domain name
D. have its web site accessible via its own domain name.
32. In a Cybersuite, a supplier can _____.
A. exhibit its products and services
B. find more images and drawings
C. get many lists of products
D. bid for a certain product or service
33. The passage mainly tells about _____.
A. the benefits brought by e-business.
B. how to do e-commerce via Internet.
C. a project by WTCA.
D. how to find trade partners via Internet.
Passage 2
If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question.
It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write.
Sometimes, of course, even if the people cannot write, they may know something of the past. For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past. This we may call “remembered history”. Some of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is, because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. But where there are no written records, such spoken stories are often very helpful.
34. Why do we know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago?
A. Because there was nothing worth being written down at that time.
B. Because the people there ignored the importance of keeping a record.
C. Because the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fire.
D. Because the people there had not known how to write.
35. “Remembered history” refers to _____.
A. history based on a person’s imagination
B. stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth
C. songs and dances about the most important events
D. both B and C
36. It can be inferred from the passage that we could have learned much more about our past than we do now if our ancestors had _____.
A. kept a written record of every past event
B. not burnt their written records in wars
C. told exact stories of the most important happenings
D. made more songs and dances
Passage 3
Have you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles away? You probably felt sorry and made up your mind to pay attention and never have daydreaming again. Most of us, from earliest school days, have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time.
“On the contrary,” says L. Giambra, an expert in psychology, “daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it, the mind couldn’t get done all the thinking it has to do during a normal day...You can’t possibly do all your thinking with a conscious mind. Instead, your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming then may be one way that the unconscious and conscious states of mind have silent dialogues.”
Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the importance of daydreams or even considered them harmful. At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinger, a professor of psychology, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinger says, “We know now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we organize our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our futures... Daydreams really are a window on the things we fear and the things we long for in life.”
Daydreams are usually very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand. It’s easier to gain a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help you recognize the difficult situations in your life and find out a possible way of handling them.
Daydream cannot be predicted; they move off in unexpected directions which may be creative and full of useful ideas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were and are a main source of creative energy.
So the next time you catch yourself daydreaming, don’t stop. Just pay attention to your dream. It may be more important than you think.
37. Which of the following is a case of daydreaming?
A. You are in a meeting and make up your mind to pay attention.
B. You are in a meeting and someone is making a speech.
C. You are in a meeting and you are not listening to the speaker.
D. You are in a meeting and you are giving a speech.
38. Daydreaming used to be considered _____.
A. very simple and direct
B. unimportant or even harmful
C. a necessary part of thinking
D. the result of an unconscious mind
39. Compared with sleep dreams, _____.
A. daydreams are easier for us to understand.
B. daydreams are not so easy for us to control and direct.
C. daydreams help to develop an unconscious mind.
D. daydreams help us to handle more difficult situations.
40. The writer of the article thinks that _____.
A. Professor Eric Klinger has a better idea than L. Giambra
B. daydreaming with an unconscious mind will do good to health
C. daydreaming is more helpful than sleep dreams
D. many artists and scientists are famous because they have daydreams
41. 保险;保险费 n. i _ su _ _ _ c e
42. 收入;岁入 n. re_ _ n _ _
43. 保证 v. & n. gu_ r _ _ t _ _
44. 证实;确认 v. c_ _ f _ _ m
45. 转移;调动 v. tr_ _ _ f _ _
46. 基金;经费 n. f _ _ d
47. 尝试,试图,努力 v. att _ _ p _
48. 可用的,可获得的 adj. av _ _ l _ ble
49. 口令,密码 n. pa _ _ w _ _ d
50. 抵押 v. & n. m _ _ t _ _ ge
51. 报答,报偿,奖赏 n. & v. r _ w_ _ d
52. 卖主,卖方 n. v _ _ dor
53. 流行;货币 n. c_ rr _ _ _ y
54. 商品;货品 n. m_ _ ch _ _ dise
55. 幸存;比…长命 v. s _ _ vi _ _
五、单词英译汉 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
56. online marketing
57. financial transaction
58. customer service
59. dispute resolution
60. intangible benefit
61. balance sheet
62. DigiCash
63. global market
64. web server
65. Federal Express
66. search engines
67. information network
68. place an order
69. smart cards
70. net loss
六、英译汉 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
(71) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides your company with new ways of better understanding and serving your customer. In July 1998, when Intel began taking orders over the Internet, it also premiered a new Web-based system to deliver confidential documents to its B2B direct customers.
(72) This service, known as Information Desk, along with other new Web-based information delivery services, has enabled the company and its direct, indirect and channel customers to work together more efficiently. In Intel’s case, there were several reasons for deploying CRM, including:
With Web-based information delivery, everyone can get important information at the same time no matter where they are located.
(73) The first release of Intel’s information delivery system slashed document delivery time from as much as two to three weeks to an average of three days. Now, it’s a matter of minutes.
Extend reach without adding staff. Intel has added services to upwards of 75,000 global resellers.
(74) As a result of getting confidential documents faster, three-fourths of Intel’s direct customer engineers shaved a week or more off their product development cycle.
When it came to designing the system, Intel used best-of-breed, off-the-shelf applications and modified them to meet the needs of their customers. Indirect customers received an Electronic Design Kit (EDK) to help develop their own products and solutions.
(75) And because CRM is a field in which new applications appear frequently, it was important to develop a flexible software architecture and an agile hardware infrastructure. Intel runs its CRM systems on dual and 4-way Intel-based servers, with back-end databases distributed over 8-way Intel-based servers. This gives the company a powerful, flexible and highly available infrastructure.

七、汉译英 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
76. 电子商务的交易通常涉及几个互动的步骤。 (involve, interactive steps)
77. 我们必须尽最大可能地利用我们已有的资源。(make use of, resources)
78. 我们要在出发前把一切都规划好。(plan out, departure)
79. 在某种程度上,男性更容易找到报酬高的工作。(to ... extent, well-paid jobs)
80. 我们怎样才能防止这种疾病蔓延?(prevent... from, disease)

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自己也曾经是自考生,当初考的是计算机专业的专科,花了我四年半年时间。许多朋友跟我说自考太难了,他们快要坚持不下去了。我自己的经验是,其实自考不难,难的是坚持。 我不相信人天生下来会有谁比谁更聪明的脑袋瓜,只相信谁比谁更努力。努力看书,多做题,多花时间在学习上面,一定能够成功。加油吧!


