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试题类型:WORD文档 试题时间:2008年7月
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I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (45%)
1. English lexicology embraces morphology, semantics, etymology, stylistics and ______.( )
A. linguistics B. pragmatics
C. lexicography D. phonology
2. Besides the obvious characteristics of basic vocabulary, native words have two other features: ______.( )
A. polysemy and stability
B. neutral in style and frequent in use
C. all national character and frequent in use
D. collocability and neutral in style
3. ______ form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the English language.( )
A. Anglo-Saxon words B. French words
C. Danish words D. Latin words
4. The Indo-European language family is made up of most of the languages of Europe, ______.( )
A. the Far East and the Near East B. the Far East and the Middle East
C. the Near East and India D. India and North Africa
5. Old English was a language of ______ endings, and Middle English was one of ______ endings.( )
A. full, leveled B. leveled, full
C. partial, leveled D. full, partial
6. Modern English vocabulary develops through ______.( )
A. terminology, analogy and borrowing
B. creation, semantic change, borrowing and revival of archaic or obsolete words
C. creation, archaisms and semantic change
D. semantic change, denizens and argot
7. Most morphemes are realized by single morphs. Words of this kind are called ______ words.( )
A. polysemous B. monomorphemic
C. polymorphemic D. stem
8. According to the functions of affixes, we put them into ______ affixes and ______ affixes.( )
A. inflectional, derivational B. reflective, flexible
C. converted, bound D. root, bound
9. Most ______ do not change the word classes of the original words.( )
A. suffixes B. prefixes
C. affixes D. bound roots
10. The differences between a compound and a free phrase lie in ______.( )
A. grammatical features B. phonetic features
C. semantic features D. all the above
11. Verb compounds are not as common as noun compounds and adjective compounds. The limited number of verbs are created either through ______ or ______ .( )
A. blending, clipping B. conversion, blending
C. backformation, clipping D. conversion, backformation
12. ______ are mostly used in writing related to science and technology, and to newspapers and magazines.( )
A. Words from back formation B. Acronyms
C. Blends D. Clipped words
13. It is noticeable that ______ meaning overlaps with ______ and affective meanings because in a sense both latter meanings are revealed by means of collocations.( )
A. stylistic, collocative B. connotative, associative
C. collocative, stylistic D. conceptual, lexical
14. Concept which is beyond language, is the result of human ______.( )
A. recognition B. cognition
C. acquisition D. practice
15. According to Hurford and Heasley, a word has meaning only when a connection has been established between the linguistic sign and a ______.( )
A. reference B. concept
C. referent D. motivation
16. At the time when the word was created, it was endowed with only one meaning. This first meaning is the ______ meaning.( )
A. associative B. stylistic
C. primary D. affective
17. ______ are words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.( )
A. Homographs B. Homonyms
C. Perfect homonyms D. Homophones
18. Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of ______.( )
A. formality B. rhetoric coloring
C. assimilation D. intensity
19. Word-meaning changes by modes of ______.( )
A. extension and narrowing B. degradation and elevation
C. transfer D. all the above
20. Some meanings remain much the same for a time, but often, a/an ______ form or group of forms are pressed into new service when a new linguistic need is felt. ( )
A. obsolete B. archaic
C. old D. new
21. The causes of meaning change in linguistic aspects include ______. ( )
A. internal factors within the language system
B. the influx of borrowings
C. analogy
D. all the above
22. In a narrow sense, context refers to ______ context; and in a broad sense, it refers to ______ context.( )
A. non-linguistic, extra-linguistic B. linguistic, extra-linguistic
C. grammatical, lexical D. lexical, conceptual
23. In some cases, the meanings of a word may be influenced by the ______ in which it occurs. This is what we call ______context.( )
A. cultural background, linguistic B. structure, linguistic
C. lexical context, linguistic D. structure, grammatical
24. In ______ context, the meaning of the word is often affected by the ______ words.( )
A. grammatical, neighboring B. lexical, lexical
C. lexical, neighboring D. linguistic, lexical
25. Idioms are generally felt to be ______.( )
A. informal B. intimate
C. frozen D. formal
26. In a broad sense, idioms may include ______.( )
A. slang expressions B. colloquialisms
C. catchphrases D. all the above
27. Idioms nominal in nature function as ______. ( )
A. subjects B. nouns
C. modifiers D. adjectives
28. ______ is noted for its elaborate grammar information.( )
C. ALD D. All the above
29. ______ is the most complete description of words available to us.( )
A. Desk dictionary B. Pocket dictionary
C. Unabridged dictionary D. Mini-dictionary
30. Linguistic dictionaries usually cover such areas as ______.( )
A. meaning and grammatical information
B. usage and etymology
C. spelling and pronunciation
D. all the above
II. Match the words, expressions or sentences in Column A with those in Column B according to the types of context, types of linguistic context, or the context clues for inferring the word-meaning. ( 20%)


( )31. paragraph
( )32. carcass, dead body of animal
( )33. cultural background
( )34. “paper” in “examination paper”
( )35. He is indecisive, that is, he can’t make up his mind.
( )36. defrost
( )37. She went to school for 12 years and she can’t write a sentence? They made an illiterate of he.
( )38. Many employees in the UN are polyglots. As an employee, Ms Smith speaks five languages.
( )39. “become” in “become + adj/n”
( )40. As the war reached the peak, the economy neared its nadir.
A. grammatical context
B. example
C. word structure
D. linguistic context
E. explanation
F. lexical context
G. antonymy
H. extra-linguistic context
I. definition
J. relevant details

III. Complete the following statements with proper expressions according to the textbook. ( 5%)
41. Etymology is traditionally used for the study of origins and ______ of the form and meaning of words.
42. It is estimated that borrowings constitute ______ per cent of the modern English vocabulary.
43. “gone”, “easier”, “green houses” and “swimming” all contain a/an ______ morpheme.
44. In some cases, conversion is accompanied by certain changes in terms of pronunciation or spelling or ______ distribution.
45. Onomatopoeic words are created by imitating the ______ sounds or noises.
IV. Study the following words and decide how each word is formed. ( 10%)
Example: disobey(affixation)
46. oneself ( ) 47. smog ( )
48. pop ( ) 49. UFO ( )
50. greed ( )
V. Answer the following questions. (10%)
51. What accounts for the differences between sound and form?
52. What are the differences between a bound morpheme and a bound root?
53. What are the three major classes of compounds?
54. How do we classify meaning?
55. What are the functions of context?
VI. Analyze and comment on the given sentence. Find anything inadequate as a context. Explain the reasons and improve the sentence. ( 10%)
56. John and Lucy are married.

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