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试题类型:WORD文档 试题时间:2008年7月
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I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement (20%).
1. ______ refers to a member of the parts of the Christian Church which separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century.( )
A. Protestant B. Rabbi
C. Christian D. Puritan
2. English babies may be ______ to show respect or to honor them. ( )
A. named after grandparents B. named after famous historical events
C. named after their birth place D. named after their birth date
3. The two persons who have been introduced to each other normally say to each other: “______.”( )
A. How are you B. How is everything
C. How do you do D. Hello
4. Trinity refers to union in one Godhead of three persons, Father, Son and ______.( )
A. Puritan B. God
C. Holy ghost D. Ghost
5. In English speaking countries, expensive gifts will ______. ( )
A. make them uncomfortable for they will not know how to return the kindness
B. make them very happy for they think they are highly valued
C. make them very surprised for they will not know how to use it
D. make them embarrassed for they know they are not worth of it
6. “He looked out for a house” is the same in meaning with ______.( )
A. he sought a house B. he bought a house
C. having a house is his biggest dream D. he built a house
7. A game played on a sports field between two teams of eleven players who each have a curved stick with which they try to put a small hard ball into the other team’s goal is called ______.( )
A. polo B. hockey
C. golf D. rugby
8. Donkey work conveys the similar meaning in Chinese ______.( )
A. to do the hard, boring part of a job
B. to do the hard, but pleasant part of a job
C. to do the pleasant, comfortable part of a job
D. to do the confusing, exciting part of a job
9. Deduction is the process of ______.( )
A. persuading someone to do something
B. discovering a general principle from a set of facts
C. reaching a conclusion about something because of other things that you know to be true.
D. examining known facts
10. “to make a face” means ______ in Chinese. ( )
A. 化妆 B. 做一个假面具
C. 做鬼脸 D. 很愤怒
11. “A big fish in a small pond” means ______ in Chinese.( )
A. 小池塘养大鱼 B. 鸡窝里飞出金凤凰
C. 人小干大事 D. 鹤立鸡群
12. “to be very confident and proud” means ______.( )
A. to hold your head (up) high
B. to ride one’s high horse
C. to go about with one’s head in the air
D. to keep one’s mouth clean and nose clear
13. “Milk and water” means ______. ( )
A. something drinkable B. something that is inoffensive but feeble
C. something in complete harmony D. complete understanding between friends
14. To keep sb company means ______.( )
A. to stay with someone so that they are not alone
B. to stay away with someone so that they can be alone
C. to watch someone in every detail
D. to ask someone to be with you and serve you

15. “A Pandora’s box” derived from the box sent by the God to Pandora refers to a present or something ______. ( )
A. which brings happiness but looks ugly
B. which seems valuable but brings misfortune
C. which can create anything its owner wants
D. which a bride traditionally gives a bridegroom
16. “To pull somebody’s leg” means ______.( )
A. to prevent somebody from advancing
B. to make somebody difficult to move
C. to make trouble to somebody
D. to say something in a joking way
17. “I was not informed. Otherwise I should have taken some action” demonstrates ______ relation between the two sentences.( )
A. an additive B. a temporal
C. a persuasive D. a causal
18. The word in American English for “mosquito-net” is ______. ( )
A. drapery B. bar
C. bedspread D. quilt
19. “A green Christmas” refers to ______. ( )
A. a Christmas with vigor and energy
B. a Christmas full of jealousy
C. a Christmas without snow
D. a Christmas with fruit and vegetables
20. The word in British English for “Faculty” is ______. ( )
A. department B. stuff
C. staff D. teachers
II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternative can complete the statement. (10%)
1. The word in British English for “story” is ______. ( )
A. storey B. floor
C. stairs D. storage
2. The word in British English for “tire” is ______. ( )
A. wheel B. bore
C. fatigue D. tyre
3. In American English “Santa Claus” is a loan word from ______. ( )
A. Indian languages B. Dutch
C. French D. German
4. It is quite common for students in English culture to call their professor ______. ( )
A. Robert B. Harrison
C. Robert Harrison D. Professor Robert
5. Many technical terms such as quantum, antenna, formula, nucleons, datum and molecules are all derived from ______. ( )
A. French B. Greek
C. Latin D. Roman
6. To make unconscious is ______.( )
A. “to knock off” B. “to knock up”
C. “to knock about” D. “to knock out”
7. “Crossing one’s forefinger and middle finger” signifies ______ in English speaking counties.( )
A. sadness B. respects
C. good luck D. secrecy
8. Handshaking between two persons who have been newly introduced to each other is a ______ touch in both English and Chinese culture. ( )
A. socio-polite B. friendship
C. functional-professional D. love-intimacy
9. Money given at Christmas time to the dustmen and others who provide a service throughout the year is called ______. ( )
A. Christmastide B. Christmas gift
C. Christmas box D. Christmas money
10. ______ seem queer, strange, socially unacceptable.( )
A. Queers B. technicians
C. professionals D. staff
III. Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression (12%).
1. The word in 汉语 for greenhouse is ______.
2. Pork, mutton and beef are loan words from ______.
3. The word in American English for “jumper’ is ______.
4. The English equivalent for “跑表” is ______.
5. A sweet dish typically composed of fruit and flour and fat, boiled or steamed,or of fruit baked with pastry is called ______.
6. Staring, or gazing, in Chinese culture, shows one’s curiosity while in English culture, is considered impolite and ______.
7. When answering questions, Chinese speakers are strongly affected by the ______, the way in which the question is formed, while English speakers, supported ______, are not.
8. English is a ______ language and Chinese is a ______ language.
9. ______ refers to an area within a town where there are brothels.
10. One can tell from the sentence “She is working at her own level” that she is a ______ student.
11. ______ can be a euphemism for a gardener.
12. ______ is a euphemism instead of Tax increase.
IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)
1. What is Orthodox Eastern Church?
2. What is War of independence?
3. Does “equalitarianism” convey the same meaning as “平均主义”?
4. What are the differences between “spiritual” and “精神” in relation to their connotative meaning?
5. What does “他没有文化” mean?
6. What is the “First Lady”?
7. What is the difference between a “drugstore” and a“药店”?
8. Does “Good-bye” convey the same meaning as “再见”?
9. What is the general rule for introduction in English culture?
10. What does “a Solomon” allude to?
11. What does “a Damocles sword” stand for?
12. What does “a Trojan horse” allude to?
V. Translation (16%)
A: Translate the following into Chinese (8%)
1. To have a chip on one’s shoulder.
2. By the skin of your teeth.
3. Wine makes all creatures at table.
4. The more women look in their glass, the less they look to their house.
B: Translate the following into English (8%)
5. 白马王子
6. 天之骄子
7. 禁果
8. 智者千虑,必有一失
VI. Define the following terms (10%)
1. idioms
2. allusion
3. individualism
4. terms of humility
VII. Answer the following questions. (20%)
1. Explain the reasons that there are more honorifics in Chinese than in English.
2. What can you find cross-culture differences in terms of humility between English and Chinese?

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自己也曾经是自考生,当初考的是计算机专业的专科,花了我四年半年时间。许多朋友跟我说自考太难了,他们快要坚持不下去了。我自己的经验是,其实自考不难,难的是坚持。 我不相信人天生下来会有谁比谁更聪明的脑袋瓜,只相信谁比谁更努力。努力看书,多做题,多花时间在学习上面,一定能够成功。加油吧!


